Mac Format 1997 July
Shareware Plus
LEE 2.1
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202 lines
# lee-config
# This file contains configuration parameters
# necessary to run LEE (2.0 or later) simulations.
# It is read by LEE at start-up and must be in
# the current directory. If its name is changed,
# the command-line option -f must be used.
# This is the only necessary file. It superseeds
# table (.tb) and config (.cf) files used in
# older LEE versions (previous to 2.0).
# Other parameters can be set by command-line
# options: use 'lee -u' for a list of options.
# The remaining parameters (file defs.h) cannot
# be changed without recompilation.
# Comment lines (like these) begin with a pound sign.
# All lines should be 255 characters or less.
# For each parameter, or group of parameters, follow
# the instructions in the preceding comment lines
# to figure out appropriate values. If in doubt,
# use the indicated defaults. But be careful, as
# there are dependencies: changes to some parameters
# may force you to change other parameteres.
# The order in which parameter values appear in this
# file is important: do not change it.
# It is a good idea to keep a copy of this file locked.
# Do not leave empty lines.
# x_dim
# Number of world cells along horizonal direction.
# 25 is the maximum size allowed for the Macintosh.
# Must be less than limit MAX_X in defs.h file.
# Default: 25
# y_dim
# Number of world cells along vertical direction.
# 25 is the maximum size allowed for the Macintosh.
# Must be less than limit MAX_Y in defs.h file.
# Default: 25
# types
# Number of different atom (food) types.
# Must be less than limit MAXTYPES in defs.h file.
# Change number of lines in distributions
# and value of nsensors accordingly.
# Default: 2
# distributions
# For each type (0..types-1) specify the following:
# (mu(x),mu(y),sigma(x),sigma(y),density)
# on a line of its own, without spaces between entries;
# error if not types lines.
# Parameters:
# mu(x): horizontal center of distribution
# must be between 0 and x_dim-1
# mu(y): vertical center of distribution
# must be between 0 and y_dim-1
# sigma(x): horizontal peakedness of distribution
# between 1 (uniform) and 6 (sharp gaussian)
# sigma(y): vertical peakedness of distribution
# between 1 (uniform) and 6 (sharp gaussian)
# density: probability that at any cycle, the world
# is replenished with this atom type
# between 0 (never) and 100 (always)
# Default: (6,6,2,2,50)
# (18,18,2,2,50)
# nsensors
# Total number of sensors. To discriminate among
# different types, this should be a multiple
# of types (unless routine handling initialization
# of sensors is changed and code recompiled).
# Must be less than MAXSENSORS limit in defs.h file.
# Change number of lines in sensor_specs accordingly.
# This is used at runtime to determine the number
# of input units of the neural net of each organism.
# Default: 2
# sensor_specs
# For each sensor (0..nsensors-1) specify the following:
# (type,orient,range)
# on a line of its own, without spaces between entries;
# error if not nsensors lines.
# Parameters:
# type: 0 for CONTACT (sense the cell in front)
# 1 for GUT (sense atoms in own gut)
# 2 for AMBIENT (sense cells around, by dist.)
# new sensor types may be coded ad-hoc...
# orient: -1 for left orientation of sensor
# 0 for sensor in front of body
# 1 for right orientation of sensor
# 2 for sensor behind the body
# range: used for AMBIENT sensors only;
# minimum is 1 (becomes a CONTACT sensor),
# larger integers for longer ranges;
# maximum is 10, unless the MAXRANGE parameter
# is changed in defs.h (recompilation necessary);
# must be specified even if unused (CONTACT, GUT)
# Default: (0,0,1)
# (0,0,1)
# nmotors
# Total number of motors.
# Must be less than MAXMOTORS limit in defs.h file.
# Change number of lines in motor_specs accordingly.
# This is used at runtime to determine the number
# of output units of the neural net of each organism.
# Default: 1
# motor_specs
# For each motor (0..nmotors-1) specify the type of
# motor on a line of its own; error if not nmotors lines.
# 0 for BINARY: stay still, turn 90 degrees left or
# right, or move forward by one cell (more if you change
# the BIN_POWER parameter, recompilation necessary)
# 1 for JUMP: move forward by a number of steps determined
# by the activation of the motor unit (maximum distance
# is 10 by default but can be changed via the JUMP_POWER
# parameter in defs.h, recompilation necessary)
# then change facing direction at random
# new motor types may be coded ad-hoc...
# Default: 0
# nlayers
# Number of hidden layers in the neural net.
# Zero means no hidden layers, just input and output.
# Change number of lines in hidden_layers accordingly.
# Default: 1
# hidden_layers
# For each hidden layer (0..nlayers-1) specify the
# number of units in that layer of the neural net
# on a line of its own; error if not nlayers lines.
# Default: 2
# gutsize
# Number of atoms that will fit in an organism's gut
# between foraging actions.
# Default: 1
# reactions_matrix
# A symmetric matrix of types * types elements
# (all elements must appear although symmetric
# ones are read only once). Each element [i,j]
# describes the reaction between an atom of
# type i and one of type j, represented by
# a vector with 2 + types entries, as follows:
# (possible,energy,by-prod(0),...,by-prod(types-1))
# without spaces between entries.
# Error if not types lines (rows), each with types
# vectors (one per column) separated by white spaces.
# Parameters:
# possible: 1 if reaction [i,j] can occur, 0 if not
# energy: amount of energy accrued or lost from the
# reaction (a positive or negative real value)
# by-prod(k): number of atoms of type k released
# by the reaction [i,j]
# Default: (1,5.0,0,0) (0,0.0,0,0)
# (0,0.0,0,0) (1,3.0,0,0)
(1,5.0,0,0) (0,0.0,0,0)
(0,0.0,0,0) (1,3.0,0,0)
# Note: for unary reactions (command-line option -U),
# all atom types are assumed "auto-reactive"; there
# are no by-products, and the energies are read from
# the first row of the matrix; all other entries
# are disregarded.
# Default for unary reactions: (1,5.0,0,0) (1,3.0,0,0)
# (0,0.0,0,0) (0,0.0,0,0)
# end of lee-config